Super pretty! love the gem band shading! just nice to look at!
Super pretty! love the gem band shading! just nice to look at!
this is lovey Lovey LOVEY stuff! all the colours are so pretty n amaziong! n the mayor looks so cute n small!
Bless your words, makes my day :')
Very lovey rad!!!
Thank you!
wait am i insane or did there use to be two different version of this? anyways very rad!
Thank ya! I removed it because I felt a little iffy about posting something as suggestive as that, though maybe I'll bring it back eventually.
wow i didnt know you had a newgrounds, this art is rad as!
thanks! I only decided to make an account here within this past year haha
this is so fuckin rad
thaaaank you
I haven't been on newgrounds to much as a kid but it inspired alot of games ive played as a kid like castle crashers and battle block theatre. I would like to say how amazing it is that such a wonderful place like this exist.
It is a wonderful place to relive those memories.
Ay! I like ta draw cool n cute stuffs! feel free to check out the other sites i use cos i dont post EVERY thing here
Joined on 1/15/18